The Organic Traveller
Monday, 03 June 2024

Munich and around: Organic breweries and distilleries

If your late evening out should end with an organic drink, even in a big city like Munich your options are limited to restaurants which hopefully will serve you drinks long after their kitchens close. The crude rationale still seems to be: If you're willing to harm your health, you should be inclined to harm the environment, too. But fortunately organic breweries and distilleries come to rescue and, though usually with limited opening hours, offer tastings of their products on the spot. Unfortunately


The first organic brewery in Munich, the Haderner offers visitors a pleasant view at shiny steel in their Bavarian Wirtshaus pub. Civilized so you may come here with kids (who will hopefully be delighted by the food).

Unfortunately the Haderner isn't as centrally located as one might wish, but this is the Werksviertelbräu microbrewery in the trending development next to Ostbahnhof trainstation. Although the brewery pub itself is open one evening a week only, most places in the Werksviertel tap their beer – local distribution at its best, allowing you to have a certified organic beer even at places which otherwise don't care.

The Duke Bar


The Duke gin distillery once started up in Munich, but moved to the outskirts. You have to be brave to come here by bicycle or public transport, but it's worth the effort as the distillery is placed in the most beautiful brick building of the entire sprawl. The perfect place to treat yourself with a cocktail based on their organic gins, kümmel and vodka on a summer evening provided you know how to come home. But since they also have a virgin gin substitute (which isn't organically certified yet), tonic water and ginger beer drinking responsibly is easily possible. Needless to say that they offer guided tours and have an off-license shop open during the day.

2024-06-03 17:00:00 [Munich, Aschheim, Werksviertel, organic, breweries, distilleries, bar, drinks, beergarden] Link

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